In my latest series, I delve into autotelic art-making—creating for the intrinsic aspects of the process—to transcend intellectual constraints. By focusing on elements like color, shape, pattern, line, texture, visual weight, balance, scale, proximity, and movement, I aim to integrate disparate parts into a cohesive whole. Transformation emerges as a central theme, guiding an aesthetic journey through symbolic expressions of change. This work represents an earnest quest to harmonize left and right brain processes, exploring the self through a neuropsychological lens.
“Goethe wisely wrote, however, that ‘we are, and ought to be, obscure to ourselves, turned outwards, and working upon the world which surrounds us.’ We see ourselves, and therefore come to know ourselves, only indirectly, through our engagement with the world at large.” ― Iain McGilchrist, The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World.
Through this series, I invite viewers to explore their own journeys of transformation, encouraging a dialogue between the conscious and subconscious, the analytical and intuitive, the individual and the universal. By engaging with these works, I hope to foster a deeper understanding of the self and its continuous evolution within the broader tapestry of existence.
Currently on Display LCAD GALLERY 374 Ocean Avenue Laguna Beach, Ca